Thursday, February 7, 2013

Read Me: Immigration Reform

All the recent talk about gun control has stolen the thunder; from something I think really effects us here in Texas, illegal immigration. According to the Texas Tribune, more than one million undocumented citizens or illegal-immigrants live in Texas, second to only California.  Chances are every student in this class has known or met at least one undocumented person, here in Austin. The United States is greatly affected by this issue, especially the Border States, yet the subject hardly comes up, unless it is election time. Recently Obama spoke on an Immigration Reform and according to CNN the President is trying to push the reform along. Both the House legislatures and the Senate are now moving forward to come up with a solution for not only the undocumented citizens already in the United States but also for the Border control. The article illustrates why this issue is taking so long to get pushed through, by showing both the liberal and conservative views on the subject.  So I urge you to get informed on the subject and read the things our Government may push forward, as they may affect you or someone you know.

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