Friday, March 29, 2013

The Nation's Birth Control

Recently, President Obama set forth an amendment to his former proposal regarding the universal healthcare program and more specifically, contraception. Originally, "Obamacare" stated that companies with over 50 employees could either sponsor a health plan(including preventative medication like contraception) for their employees or pay fines for not doing so. When this original version was enacted, it outraged a number of leaders within religiously affiliated organizations. In Obama's newest revision he attempts to accommodate those who saw issues with providing contraception to their employees because of religious reasons. This isn't the first time that religion has interfered with a woman's right to choose contraception, yet our president is adjusting the health care reform to suit their right to religion. How about the employees’ right to choose? Not everyone that works for a faith-based organization follows the faith as strictly as might that organizations’ leaders. Should all employees be subjected to a different lifestyle because their employer holds differing beliefs. Obama's latest proposed change is that the organization wouldn't have to pay for the contraception coverage but that the individual could obtain a separate plan to cover contraception needs. This poses another challenging situation. What challenges might it present for that employee to receive that extra coverage? If their employer already disagrees with the practice of contraception, will it create an environment in which people that need it will feel comfortable asking for it? If businesses and organizations have such power over government, where will the exceptions and the interference with citizens rights stop?

Bill Losey

Huffington Post

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