Friday, April 26, 2013

Rape Rant

I have been meaning to touch on this issue for a while, Representative Todd Akin is absolutely "out of touch," just as the Huffington Post quotes. Todd Akin is a long time Representative who in his election primary's for Senate stated that women who are victims of what he called "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant.

According to this 2003 study, "Are per-incident rape-preganancy rates higher than per-incedent consensual preganancy rates," Akin is wrong, in fact evidence points in the opposite direction.  So where is Akins getting his medical advice? I'm guessing the doctors that attend Westboro Baptist Church...

It is people like Todd Akin that make me question how anybody could still think statements like these are legitimate and that its acceptable to say them out loud.Todd Akins is no better than the college student from Arizona who thinks girls are asking for rape by wearing shorts. Not only do I wonder how this guy could really think this way, but I wonder why he is getting votes. How do you win 12 years of elections with beliefs like that. Please tell me it is not because the majority of voters agree with him...

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